Wednesday 19 October 2011

Patch for SolidWorks 2010 & 2011 for Win7 x64.

Patch for SolidWorks 2010 & 2011 for Win7 x64.

(Re)Designed my original release to work on Win7 x64.
There were some issues after all in dealing with directory structure of the users desktop, which was not letting my first x32-x64 autopatch work properly. I corrected those minor issues and tested this out NUMEROUS times on my own Win7 x64 box. No problems after the correction.

If you should find ANY issues with this working on the described
Operating system, "Win7 Ultimate x64"
After reading the help file AND the readme's in the extracted Rar file
directory that will be created on your desktop
Please let me know the best
you can describe the issue, and I will look into trying to resolve it.

Let others & myself know if this worked for you!!
A Thank You goes a long way! :)

I took SSQ's "SW2011_SSQ_fixed" patch and did three things with it to help you all out.
First, I created a compiled help file which should guide one through the process.
Second, I created a couple batch files, which are run from with in the help file.
One of the files will create back ups of the original SW files and install the patch,
the other will restore the original files and delete the patched files from the SW directory structure.

This was tested on Windows 7 Ultimate X64, in a single SolidWorks, standard location installation of SW2010 & SW2011.
I didn't think to integrate the "service_install" file that SSQ included
in this release. So, IF, after applying this patch and REBOOTING
BEFORE trying to run SW, You find that SW still isn't fully registered,
Then do the following:
Navigate to here in windows explorer:
"C:\Program Files\SolidWorks Corp\SolidWorks\setup\i386\x64_fix"
and run this file as administrator:
WAIT A MINUTE for a possible pop-up box and click 'ok', 'allow'
or what ever might pop-up. (as I can't recall off the top of my head)
Then REBOOT and try SW again

I personally tested this on the following:
SW2011 sp0
(Though I know the patch will also function on SW2011 sp2)
(As well as sp4 & sp5 of the 2010 releases)

Hope you all Enjoy!
~~Sweet Ratt~~

Get it Here


  1. Maybe we could interest you in a legal student edition rather than an illegal torrent download?

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  2. Hi, where i can find the patch file to be downloaded?
